Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fabulous Fall

Like I said in previous post- I love fall!!! We've been out of town so much for football games that I haven't had time to pick out the perfect pumpkin or mums!! I had grand plans of Jason and I heading to the local nursery to pick out mums and to get a big pumpkin.... well, that didn't quite happen. He had to work a little late Monday and I was anxious to get a fall display out (better late than never) So where did I head to....good ole Wal-Mart. Picking out my pumpkins out of a huge cardboard box wasn't exactly what I pictured when going pumpkin shopping. I was thinking riding on a hayride, sipping some apple cider, etc. But, hey, it worked and I was pleasantly suprised!! I also landed a fake bale of hay, an $8 scarecrow and 2 mums. Maybe next year I can put a little more time it. I managed to take some shots of Radley as well!!

Hope everyone is enjoying your fall!