We arrived Friday evening and were able to spend some time w/ my parents and Grandma before they left the next morning w/ the rest of the fam for my cousin’s baby shower in Savannah, GA. I really hate I wasn’t able to go, but that drive is just too much for a weekend trip (esp. after you just drove 4 hrs to get to Montgomery). My cousin Amber is having another little boy in April who they will name Graham. I can’t wait to meet him!! I feel a trip to Savannah in my future during late spring??
Saturday we drove over to Auburn and had a wonderful day. What I would give to live in that town or how I wish I could go back and savor every minute of my 4 years there. Maybe one day we can retire there!! Brooke & Corey came down from Huntsville and Jennifer Harris made the trek from Hotlanta. We all convened at Matthew and Sarah Sharman’s new house in AU to visit their new arrival…Miss Ella Peyton. She was born 1/11/11 and is so perfect. Sarah looks great, their new house is beautiful and the baby is perfect. After our visit we headed to the new arena to watch the AU vs. Vandy BB game. Lets just say the arena looks a lot better than the BB team. We lost, but the loss was easier to watch in a brand new facility.
Saturday after the game we headed back to Montgomery to finish our fun weekend. We squeezed a lot in…so I will bullet point the rest of it..
~ Fun dinner at Jennifer & Michael Robinson’s house on Sat. night. We had a blast catching up with old friends...Jennifer is such a great hostess and friend :)
~Sunday we went to church and were able to catch up with many of our old life group members…one of the girls is from the MS coast and her family actually has a deer camp in nearby Lexington, MS…small world
~Yummy Sunday lunch at Blue Moon CafĂ©….best Mac-n-Cheese in town!!
~Fun Sunday night dinner w/ Jason’s old golf friends…Robby & Jamey and their families. We also got to meet Jamey and Sandy’s new daughter, Kate, who was born first of January. She is a doll!!
~Great lunch at Zoe’s on Monday w/ my sweet friend Jill Benefield…love & miss her so much!!
~a little shopping- bought some cute new flats/stocked up on MAC makeup
~put our Montgomery house back on market (I’ll save that for another post)
As you can tell we did a lot and ATE A LOT this past weekend (haha). We had such a great time catching up with everyone!! Although I know we may never live there again, I’m so thankful for our friends we made there. I know they are lifelong friends that will always be there for us. Those friends are hard to find and we feel blessed to have them in our life.
I’ll admit this past year I would get a bit depressed when we would get back to MS after a long weekend in Bama. However, I was OKAY this time. Yes, I do miss it, but I guess TIME can HEAL the heart. It has been a little over a year since we moved and living here does get easier each week. I’m so thankful for sweet friends and relationships we’ve made here. They definitely make coming back to MS much easier :)
Once again, I failed to take many pics, but did get a few shots in Auburn...
Me, Jennifer and Brooke at the BB game
We love the new arena!!I love Jordan Hare!! It was so peaceful on Saturday, I thought it was a great time for a pic. so strange to see it w/out 85,000 people milling around outside.
Hopefully are BB team will be better next year..
Hopefully the new arena will be more full next year. Sad to spend all that money and it is not even full :(
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