Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Patton 3 months

As I write this our precious little Patton is now 15 weeks old. He turned 3 months on July 2nd and boy what a difference a month makes. He is becoming much more alert and LOVES to be held.  He does pretty well during the day being put down and taking naps, but when 5:00 rolls around and Daddy gets home he wants all his attention.  Of course we both think it is sweet and adorable, but it can be hard when we need to do something (like eat dinner-ha)!!  Three months has brought the following:

~Laughing out Loud and Smiling A LOT...which we love.  However, he gets very serious when I bring the camera out, so I'm having some issues catching those smiles with a photo.

~He rolled over for the first time (left and to the right) on July 5th.  I don't think Jason believed me at first b/c he waited another few days before he did it again for Jason, but he is pretty consistent now and rolls over every time we put him down for tummy time.

~Grabs everything, especially his rings on his activity mat/gym

~Still sleeps from about 10:00 pm to 6:00 am every morning. He occasionally will sleep until 7, which we LOVE, but 6:00 is pretty much his wake up time now.

~Drinks about 30 oz. a day (6 oz. 5xs a day). We're looking forward to trying rice cereal at 4 months.

~Making lots of what I call "Boy Noises" w/ his mouth.....blowing bubbles, drooling, etc. I love these sweet little noises.

Overall he is a sweet and happy baby. He has a fussy day about once a week and it is usually due to a tummy ache AKA gas :(  I think boys must be gassier than boys??  We love our little Patton to pieces and are enjoying every little stage. He won't be a baby for long, so I'm trying to savor each moment!!!

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